Sunday, November 1, 2009

What do people think? Or perhaps they don't.

Do you ever wonder why people go through life without thinking? Just acting, just doing, just saying without letting a single thought go into the process?

It happens all around us, we all see it, some of may be part of the problem, but I find that I "wonder why".

What am I talking about?

1: California having a new law that prohibits talking on your hand held cell phone while driving your car. It is a matter of safety, and there is a small fine involved if you are caught. But why do it? You know it is the law to NOT do it, but on any given day I must pass at least 15 people all holding their cell phones to their ear.

What is the answer for these stupid people, and YES I just called you who do this stupid... all you are thinking of is yourself, not the safety of others. I personally think that the fine for the first time caught should be around $400.00 because if you had to pay that for talking on your phone, you might reconsider. Then if it happens again, the fee is at least doubled. Eventually they will get the idea that it isn't allowed.

Anyone with me on this? Not that we can do anything about it, but it sure sounds good to me, and who knows, it could help CA get out of the financial mess they are in, so come on Arnie - raise the fine!

2: Cigarette butt tossers - another thing that upsets me. Why do we want to see cigarette butts laying all around? Why is that not littering? Sure you can call and report it -

Helpful info to tell them:

Date and time of incident
License plate number
Car make and model
Location where you saw the incident - City, Street name
Which person in the car threw the cigarette

This number is available 24/7 - and the majority of calls they receive are for tossed cigarettes - imagine that.

I think this along with more tickets being given for this littering will help people learn to pick up after themselves. I believe the fine in CA is around $380.00 unless of course you start a fire because of tossing the butt.... then watch out.

Those two things are it for today, there are many, and I know without a doubt you all see the same things daily. Start making a difference, do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. I would go further with the cell phone law and ban the use of "hands-free" as well. It will be more difficult to monitor, particularly systems built into the voice-activated sound systems.

    The point is that ANY distraction while driving is dangerous. Example: I had an advanced voice-activated hands-free system in my business car. A call came through, a complicated business debate ensued--45 minutes later, the call ended, but I had NO recollection of how I got from point "A" to point "B".

    Needless to say, I had the system removed. After that incident, I deemed my behavior as DUI--YES, driving under the influence of disraction from the purpose of the use of a car--driving safe!

    Sid Gibson
    New York
