Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Life is a Journey ~

Make It a Wonderful Adventure!

Let your life be an exploration.
Let people and places be
a part of your life,
and experience each and every
unique situation with a
sense of wonder and delight.

Look in all directions to seek out
the answers you long to know,
and discover the secrets that keep
questioning your heart.

Be willing to make changes and
be ready to face the challenges.

Accept the opportunities
that present themselves,
and endure and cope with
the difficulties that can
arise from time to time.

Remember that there is no one way
to live your life, but a
thousand different ways for each
of us to be.

Make your life the way you
want it to be and
create a lifestyle that
brings you happiness.

Search for your true meaning in life
by devoting yourself to your ideals,
and enjoy your wonderful
adventure through time by
Making every day special.

While reading this I thought of ....

My daughter, Megan - - I love you!

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